Showing posts with label Arrays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arrays. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

Object Oriented Programming Technique (with C++)

This article is for those who are already familier with the programing system in c language. If you do not use c language then it will be hardly to understand the Object Oriented programing (simply OOP).
Before going to the main theme let us discuss what is object oriented language?

Object oriented programming language is the modification of c language features. It gives us the opportunity to solve and code any large and difficult problem within the simplest way. We can also divide the problem into

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today i am going to discuss about the basic computer memory organization system. So lets turn into the discussion..........
In Computer data are organized in some logical way and these are:
1. Array
2. Link List
3. Tree
4. Stack
5. Queue
Let’s discuss them in details…….
Array is the most common representation style of data in memory.